B Vitamin Supplements


b vitamins



Rather be sleeping, and I felt like this might be related to exercise, like if I'm going to have a good workout and stuff like that and I would be able to sleep better, but I'm not quite sure what really is my- 


OK first of all.  Get rid of the giff you've got about B-vitamins. 

B vitamins raw cannot create diseases.  

Like you said, I've got a vitamin deficiency disease.  

No such thing.  

Just because when people are administered B vitamins, it stops the reaction that normally would be associated with that particular type of symptom does not mean that it's a vitamin B deficiency.  

All of your B vitamins supplements are toxic.  

There is no way to get the B-vitamins extracted without solvent or heat extraction.  

It could be petroleum, or it could be alcohol.  

They all damage the B-vitamins. 

It's a toxin when it goes into your system, your body has to deal with that toxin.  

If it's B12, it's like cocaine! 

It's not a healthy substance, but it will charge you and make you feel better.  

But boy, the damage they've done thus will be nasty, especially if you're injecting them.  

So, all this vitamin associated diseases are all about pharmaceuticals.  


All this stuff about G3 and protein and this good stuff people claim in Germany and stuff like that. Longevity, all these people are living longer in all these other countries and all that stuff. 


Have you heard anybody in Germany living over 106 years? 

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