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Okay. If you read the new book, I talk about it in, it's in the old book, but the spell checker changed avidin to albumin. So, in this book, it's proper.
Egg white has avidin, the egg yolk has biotin.
They're scientists that say the avidin binds with biotin and doesn't allow it to be utilized.
It's utilized in a toxic body by taking biocarbons, it neutralizes biocarbons and removes it from the body.
[biocarbons are from eating carbohydrates]
Stop eating cooked foods so you don't have so many freaking biocarbons. So, you need to eat a lot of eggs because you got a lot of biocarbons.
So, the scientists are just looking at "Gee, this happens. Let's not do that".
They're not looking at, "Yeah, this has a good function".
So, that's not causing it?
No, no. That's always heavy metals. It's usually a aluminum that cause.