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pharmaceutical industry
Inflammatory diseases, arthritis.
There is no such thing as an autoimmune. That is a manufactured bullshit story created by the pharmaceutical and medical community.
That's like, okay, the Russians are coming. I can now go to war. I can make tanks, bullets, planes, bombs, nuclear weapons. I can spend all this energy on arming myself, cuz the Russians are gonna take over.
That was the reason for the war effort for 30 years, the Russians were coming. Autoimmune, the body never turns against itself ever, ever, ever turns against itself. You would never heal if you had that problem, you've got so many poisons in your body that is deteriorating the cells.
Bacteria, parasites, virus, none of them tear the body down and work against you. You don't fight your own blood, unless it's been poisoned, contaminated. And then it's not going after the cell because it's a cell because it's you it's going after it because it's contaminated. Autoimmune, get rid of that. That is a misnomer.