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athletes foot
I don't know if this is from high school. I was an athlete and I borrowed one of my teammates shoes. Since then, the athletes foot orwhatever, itching. I don't know if it was from that or the acidity or the toxins. At this point the itching isn't really there anymore, but now my toenails are just like, I can just cut 'em all out.
Dry, cracked.
Nasty, yeah.
This is where something is contagious. Fungus that live on the skin is contagious. Yeast that live on the skin is contagious. Fungus, they spread on the surface, crabs are contagious because they live on the skin. They can transfer from one body to another.
The internal stuff is not contagious. It's never contagious. Syphilis, any of it that's internal property and it's not contagious unless you are injecting blood or serums from someone and inject it into your own. That can't be called contagious, that's contamination.
But contagion, contagions that live on the skin, or agents that live on the skin can be contagious coming into contact with somebody,. Whether that agent, that fungus, that yeast, all yeast are fungus all molds are fungus. So, if that has something to feed on, they will keep living.
Antibiotics cause a tremendous amount of mold damaged cells that athletes foot and a lot of other fungus live on very easily.
Eczema is a fungus, psoriasis is partially a fungus and they will live and they are contagious if you have the elements that it wants to feed on in your skin and are on your skin. So, it could be from there, but coffee and caffeine and theobromin from chocolates cause molds because there's a high amount of metal toxicity associated with caffeine.
It carries heavy metals with it, so does theobromine, that's why it causes nerve damage. That's why it has an affinity to the neurological system, the brain.
It's part of the bean. So, when they cook it, those heavy metals, the mercury, the lead, all those tracd heavy metals become free radicals after cooking, roasting.
So, then you've got the caffeine bound magnetically with these heavy metals. That's why it causes that stimulation. It pumps up adrenaline, it pumps up cortisone, it pumps up neurological hormones.
Where do the metals come from in the bean?
Any structure out there, any creature has metals in it.
So, even the bean, the bean plant itself has metals in it?
Everything you eat has metals in it, but they're in trace amounts and they're always linked with other minerals and vitamins and, and other nutrients, so it's a complex, beneficial nutrient. Traces metals are a benefit, even strychnine, if it's not a free radical, it's a nutrient.
Cooking fractioantes those bonds, cooking and processing.
So, then you've got this caffeine that goes in into your cells and into your tissues, and it causes such contamination that bacteria and parasites can't eat it. Virus even have difficulty breaking it down, but fungi feeds on it well.