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artificial sweeteners
Chewing gum, aspartame and that kind of thing.
No, it's none of that.
Sure it isn't. They've got 11 names for Aspartame
Xylitol. That's all.
They have got 11 names for Aspartame, and if you wanna know every name, no 9 names for Aspartame and some of them they're calling it natural because they wash it.
They're calling it clean and natural and good for health in, people. So look it up the 9 names for Aspartame. Find out what they are because they're on almost everything.
So just concerning the beeswax, I'm just wondering it has any health properties.
Yes. It helps the skin immensely.
The hydrochloric acid dissolves it and it helps the skin, helps protects the ears. It helps do a lot of things, protects the eyes.
So, you just swallow it?
You chew it and if it gets too dry, just put a little butter in your mouth with it.
And you swallow it at the end?
Swallow it, yeah.
It just breaks up gradually as you eat it?
Not for some people, some people don't have the right proper enzymes in their mouth. But you have a good mouth. You have good activity in your mouth. You have good bacteria and enzymes in your mouth.