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I think you had a radio interview and as part of the interview you'd talked-
About the radio interview on swine flu.
Yes. And as part of that interview, I think you one of the topics was aids and I think you said the development of AIDS took place at UCLA.
I got from the article that you were saying that the only way that you could get aids was by injection or vaccination.
Correct or blood. Or a transfusion contaminated blood.
So, you don't really, it's not really a sexually transmitted disease?
Impossible. In my laboratory experiments, I've only found, let's say two bodies of congested so-called virus of AIDS. Virus is not contagious in the first place. You have to have a chemical injected in you, just like swine flu. There's no way for you to get swine flu, impossible. Swine flu means that you have pig tissue inside of your body that your body is using a solvent, not a bacteria, not a parasite, not a fungus to break that tissue down. Now, even if you had pig tissue in you from inhaling pig tissue, let's say you worked on a pig farm and it was a toxic pig farm where the pigs had a lot of dandruff and you inhaled it regularly, you would end up with a flu to break down the swine tissue, still is not the same as the swine flu.
The swine who makes a solvent to dissolve its own tissue is different from ours. So, it's still not the same flu that a pig would get to clean its own tissue.
So, you cannot get AIDS unless it's injected. And if you read Horowitz's stuff, you see they put it in the Hepatitis B vaccine to give it to people in the states. They put it in the smallpox vaccine in Africa, 125 million donated by the US government and the British government. Why?
They took over 27 countries in Africa. How did they do that? They went in and said, oh, you've got a disease. We gave you these free- ur government's not gonna give freeway anything, unless there's something attached to it. So, the British and the American government gave 125 million shots of vaccine to Africa for free and paid for them to be injected into the Africans.
Paid for all the doctors and nurses to do that. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. It was estimated about 2 billion to do. What did they get? They went into the country and said, Oh, you've got an AIDS problem. We have drugs and they pulled AZT out of the vaults. AZT is the chemo they gave me. AZT was found a year after it was given to me to be so toxic for humans, they were no longer given to humans, so they put it in the vaults. When the AIDS came out, they said, AZT is good for aids. No tests, no nothing. They just wanted to pull it out of the vault to kill everybody who had aids.
So, they took the, the AZT also over to Africa and they killed everybody that they could. And so, what happened was they went to government and said, "Oh, we'll give you this medical help, we'll give you this chemotherapy, we'll treat your people", killed them, put 'em in debt. Debt that they could never repay.
So, now the World Bank runs for the British and American governments runs those 27 countries and if you read a book called, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", then you'll understand that's what they do, the governments do. It's a way of waging war and take over resources without having to really send people in to fight, you poison 'em to death.
What's the name of that book again, confessions of what?
Confessions of A Financial Hitman.
Can you just say one more time and exactly what is it they put in the vaccine? Likes Aids, it's not some sort of virus.
Well, what they did was, according to Strecker, who found it was created at UCLA in 1961 and 1962, they claimed that they had produced it from the lymphomic virus of the sheep and the waste products and the leukemic virus of a bovine, cow
So, they took those two toxic substances, put them together, and then put it in the hepatitis and the small pox vaccine.
So, virus isn't a bacteria or anything?
No, it's not alive, it's a chemical. And the chemicals that they put in there allowed the chemicals to infiltrate the RNA and DNA chains and damage them.
That's a biochemical electromagnetic science that the military is very keen on.
So, that's what aids is? Destruction of RNA, DNA?
Chains, yes. Breaks down the system.
I've talked to a shaman in Africa, and he said that they, they're people would make these marks on their arm as if they had vaccination, so they would avoid it. Because, shamanically, he could see that the vaccination was-
Not poisoning, but they actually even accessed some kind of a soul DNA in a way that actually altered their capacity for consciousness. He was not gonna let his people.
Well, Vietnam, when they started vaccinating the children, the adults, the ones who were like shamans and there were a lot of shamans in South Vietnam and North Vietnam and the elders would come out and cut their arm off up the shoulder because they knew the poison was gonna go back and do damage in the body.
They preferred to cut the arm off, they could see what was going to happen. Even better to cut the arm off, then to let that poison circulate to the system. And then, the American medical profession, these barbarians. Instead of the medical provision being the barbarians for injecting these poisons, the grandparents became the savages for cutting off the arm.
But they could see what, of course, the Americans are not able to see at all.