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advanced glycation end products
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vegetable juice
Just one more aspect of the question regarding thirst and vegetable juice. If like carbo vegetables, like carrot, beet, or other root vegetables, do they have destructive factor of advanced glycation end products if I have too much vegetable juice or is that mostly due to bread?
Vegetable juice, anything that's high in carbohydrates, even fruit, fresh fruit. Anything that has a high glycemic level, anything that is high in carbohydrates. Your body will convert so much of that into glycogen, which runs the brain and nervous system. The end process of the body using glycogen is advanced glycation end products and your body stores 70% to 90% of that for a lifetime.
So, when you drink carrot juice, beet juice. Any of those high glycemic vegetables, it creates the advanced glycation end products. The only way you can avoid that- mainly in my vegetable juices that I suggest in the book, it's mainly celery. There's not enough carbohydrate in celery to digest celery, so it's a negative.
So, you put a little carrot in there. You put the high glycemic parsley n there, it comes to an even balance. So, there's no excessive carbohydrate, so your body can never make it into glycogen to fuel the brain and nervous system. When your body uses meat or eggs to form glycogen, it does it with a help of glucagon and there's a very low carbohydrate index like 8% and we can handle about 12% at a time.
So, it doesn't store any of the advanced glycation end products, what little it does make from eggs and meat. That's why I say you need to not eat high carbohydrate foods in any concentration before six hours passed, for first six, seven hours of the day.
Because the body has made all the glycogen for the day in that first six to seven hours. So, you have a vegetable juice, that's a negative or an even, you're not gonna generate any from it. Then you go to a meat meal, which doesn't have any in it, except if you are using a little honey and only 10% of the honey, as long as it's unheated above 93 degrees, then only use 10% of that honey will be high in carbohydrate. And most of that will go to be utilized in digesting the fat and not into making glycogen. Then you go from that to a milkshake and you've got enough cream and fats in there, so the sugars and carbohydrates will be used to digest the fat rather than to make glycogen.
So, then after that you have another juice. So, you're not having anything with high fruit on it until 1:30 PM, 4:30 PM, somewhere between that area. So, you haven't allowed your body to make glycogen from high carbohydrate foods and your brain will stay clear and functional.
If you have those advanced glycation end products in any concentration, it causes the neurological fluid and the blood to get very sticky. And if you see them going, passing each other, the blood cells, there's so many of them, they’re just like swimming together or moving together in this current of blood, and you see them stick together when the blood's like tha. And the brain and the nerve fluid, it's the same way. And you get synapse that fire and the fluid sticks and may go to the wrong brain center than where you've directed it. Oh, I want this memory. Well, it shoots off into the wrong memory station and all of a sudden you don't know where that went.
You don't have the word or the phrase or the memory, the event that you were looking for, and it's not there because the brain's too sticky. So, that prevents that by eating that progression. So, yes, if you had all carrot juice in the morning, you'd be screwing your thinking process.