Aajonus Weight


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There are two ways to measure the fat content of your body. There's a scale and you put your height in it and stuff like that and there's a way that it measures your fat level, and then there's this like a high blood pressure machine that you put around and it's an electro field.

Capacitor. And it measures the fat level.


What about the ones that you hold in your hands?


Like, I've never tried one of those, so I dunno.

[Attendee #2]

The health foods, the gyms have them.


Oh yeah?

[Attendee #2]

Yeah. 24 Hour Fitness, LA Fitness.


I don't go to gyms. I don't exercise.

[Attendee #2]

Well, you can walk in there and ask for an evaluation for free.


Well, how do you have big muscles? I'm sorry, I'm just confused. How do you know it's not bigger muscle? How do you know it's fat and not bigger muscle?


Because the way they've measured it out the electromagnetic, the biofeedback tells the machine, because it has a certain resonance, fat has a certain resonance, so when it comes back, it tells how much resonance is fat.

How much is bone, how much is muscle. They can differentiate.


Well, you'd think that machine wouldn't be able to tell.


Well, the scale for some reason. I don't know how they did it, but the scale works almost within a percentage or less than one percentage.

[Attendee #2]

Well, the old way was different was a caliper measurement that can pinch and you can go on charts. So, a lot of people know how to do that, that's pretty simple. But that's less effective than the electronics.


But when I was getting ill, I like to stay up around 27% fat, so I usually looked about like Kim here. So, that's where I like to hold my weight, but in the last two years, I've been getting rid of a lot of old fat molecules that has shrunk my bones and everything to where I was when I was a teenager.

[Attendee #2]

Why is that?


Because I've gotten rid of all the skeletal structure that was built with old wwollen fat molecules.

[Attendee #2]

So, you're eating the same and just your body?


Yep, absolutely.

[Attendee #2]

So, you only have five more years and you're totally clean? It takes 40 years?


Yeah, it takes 40 years. Yeah. So, I've got six more years. No, no, that's, well, let's see.

Of eating meat on a daily basis. I say it from the time you start eating meat on a daily basis, but it may be just going raw for me. I don't know. For raw, I've been eating raw since 72, so 82 92 and that's 30 years. 34 years, so 6 more years to 40.

But I thought it was eating meat on a daily basis cuz that's when I got the real health and energy when I started eating the raw meat and that was in 76. So, that's 30 years, so I really have 10 more years to go, but that's theoretical.

[Attendee #2]

As far as American are concerned. I mean, if we stayed on this diet when you're 25, would you look so much younger when you're 75 or versus like you said, I mean, did they not get the wrinkles?


They don't get the wrinkles.

They don't look like all dry and wrinkely.

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