Aajonus Mom Dying




medical industry






How do they work the information? I mean, a simple statement of complications from the flu. What does that mean?


Well, let's say you have a person who has cancer and they go into the hospital and they get antibiotics- well, let's take my mother for example. Five years ago she got breast cancer.

I had to hear about it from an aunt, her uncle and I called her and I said, "Mom, you've read my books and all that. I know you're a nurse. You're not gonna have chemo radiation, are you? And I know that you're gonna have the surgery cuz you believe in surgery". She said, "Yes, but I'm not gonna have a mastectomy. I'm just gonna have a lumpectomy. I'm gonna have the lymph nodes that are involved removed". I said, "Okay. Why don't you go back to eating raw foods again or 50% raw again"? "Oh, I'm healthier now. I don't need to do that". Because 20 years ago she was having a lot of complications, she and my father, so they went on 50% raw diet and they got a lot better and they stayed on it for about six years.

So, I thought I'd talk 'em into it, doing it again. But no, she felt infallible at this point. Who can feel infallible at 82 years old? So, she had the lumpectomy and then had radiation and I said, "Mom, if you have radiation, what is behind those breasts? You've got lungs behind those breasts. At your age. You damage those lungs and what's going to happen"?

She's still on oxygen 5 years. She's still happy she did it. So, what happened is she went deaf about two years ago, so she's had different kinds of hearing aids that don't work. So, she had an implant, $80,000 for this implant. Open up the skull. They put these electrodes, they're attached to this hearing aid. They attached like 60 electrodes into her ear and then that implanted in the skull behind the ear on this side. And they have to use all these computers to fine tune it for her hearing

She got a serious infection about two months ago, so they put her in antibiotics. Antibiotics destroyed her taste buds, destroyed her appetite. She hasn't eaten in two months. She's now skin and bone, she's probably gonna die within two weeks. I just let her a few days ago, only way I could get her to to eat again.

And I mean, it was just like night and day and my brothers and my father there, and I gave her little bitty cubes of papaya and I would give her 5 - 7 of them. On Thanksgiving Day in the morning, I gave her five of them and she ate four meals that day.

Now why wasn't my father giving it to her all this other time cause they told him about it. So, they saw it again for the second time cause I did it two weeks ago.

But anyway, that's beside the point. The point is that the complications, the doctor's not gonna say, "Well the antibiotics did it". They're gonna say, my mother died of complications, cancer, surgery, everything.

When the medical profession gets a hold of you, they are out to alter your system. They don't work with the system, they want to alter it to their needs. And their needs are mechanical and you cannot adapt mechanically. Most people can't, 90% of people can't, so they're gonna have complications.

So, when anybody dies of anything, it's not the cancer that killed them.

It was the pneumonia. They didn't die of aids, they died of the pneumonia, but what created the pneumonia? The azt and the antibiotics, they're not going to blame themselves, right? So, all they have to do is go say, "oh, we've had how many deaths"? How many people die of flu every year?

Thousands over the planet. At least a million a year Die of flu.


The complications. That's the part I'm still trying to understand.


If the body is highly toxic and you're infusing it with toxins at the same time you're trying to detoxify, you've got too many things going on.

Let's say those toxins settle in the heart or in the brain or in the liver, on the pancreas and you destroy the tissue.

[Attendee #2]

You don't have enough channels to get rid of all these stuff.


That's right.

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