1 TBSP of Oil Per Day


olive oil






Well, your oils, because they're oils, they have no water-soluble fats in them. So, they have a tendency to cause the body to choke itself, to not allow oxygen through the skin, so they can be used medicinally. And they're mainly solvents for cleaning the body. The body will use some alcohol with them to make soaps, to clean the body. 

So, it's good to use it only medicinally. One tablespoon of one of those a day, or if you're gonna use it for like a meat sauce or you're gonna have a lot of olive oil in a sauce, to have 4 to 5 tablespoons of sauce that you use 'em to two meat meals that day, then don't have anything three or four days or five days, more oils again. 

So, oils are very concentrated, so you have to be careful. Butter is not, you can use a couple sticks a day. All the animal fats are fine. 

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