1 Pound of Meat Same Vitamin C As Orange



vitamin c







Did you know that in a pound of meat, you can assimilate every bit of the vitamin C in it, which is worth two whole oranges of vitamin C, in one pound of meat.  

That's why, when Vladimir Stevinson was in Alaska and ran across the sea captain who had had scurvy from being out at sea so long and not eating anything fresh. 

He took vitamin C supplements. None of it worked for him. Started eating raw meat and in a week, scurvy was gone. 


And lime? 


Lime didn't work for him either. Lime and vitamin C didn't work for him.  


This applies to ester-C as well? 


Ester-C, doesn’t matter. It's a chemical derivative. Doesn't look anything like natural vitamin C in food. It poisons the body.  


Two whole oranges and one pound of meat daily.  


No, no. I said that one pound of meat contains as much assimilable vitamin C as two oranges.  

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